Monday 8 August 2011

CAFLAM Novartis

CAFLAM Novartis PDF Print E-mail
Drug Category: Phenylacetic acid.

Generic Name: Diclofenac potassium.

Contents: Tabs 50mg: Diclofenac potassium 50mg.

Indications: Short-term treatment in the following acute conditions: Painful post-traumatic inflamma­tory states. Post- operative inflammation and pain. Painful and/or inflammatory conditions in gynae­cology. Painful syndromes of the vertebral col­umn. Non-articular rheumatism. As adjuvant in severe painful inflammatory infections of the ear, nose and throat. (Fever alone is not an indication).

Dosage: Adults: 75-150mg daily in 2-3 doses (dysmenorrhoea up to 200mg).

Children: Over 1 year, 0.5- 2mg/kg body-wt. daily in divided doses.

Contra-ind: Active peptic ulcer. Hypersensitivity to aspirin or other prostaglandin synthesis-inhibiting drugs.

Precautions: Monitor patients on long-term treat­ment. History of gastro-intestinal disease. Renal, hepatic or cardiac insufficiency. Pregnancy, lacta­tion. Porphyria. Patient with extracellular volume depletion from any cause. On longterm therapy monitor liver function, blood counts. Elderly.

Interactions: Anticoagulants, antidiabetics, diuretics.

Adverse effects: Gastro-intestinal disorders, head­ache, dizziness, vertigo, rash, elevation of SGOT, SGPT. Peptic ulcer, gastro-intestinal bleeding, hepatitis, hypersensitivity reactions. Disturbances of sensation, erythema multiforme. purpura. ab­normalities of renal function, blood dyscrasias.


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